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An experienced technical artist with five years of experience. Highly experienced in developing sharers and interactive tools in game engines. Proficient with 3D modeling, lighting, shading, and rendering. Enjoy creative problem-solving and getting exposure to multiple projects. Passionate about games, with a strong interest in working with new technologies.




MFA in Computer Art, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY

  • Tuition Scholarship

  • Worked as A Teaching Assistant and Adjunct Instructor



B.Eng. in Digital Media Technology, Beijing Language and Culture University, Beijing, China

Teaching Experience     

  • Comprehensive Scholarship

  • MCM/ICM Contest in Modeling Honorable Mention



Assistance Teaching Professor, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY


Technical Artist, Sunborn Network Technology Co., Ltd

  • Create and maintain pipeline documentation.

  • Develop shaders and pipelines for game characters in Unity and UE4

  • Develop tools in Maya and 3dsMax with Python, Mel, and Max Script, to speed up art production workflows

  • Write C# scripts to enhance visual experiences, such as lighting, shading, etc.

Technical Artist, Yuqi Technology Shanghai Yuqi Information Technology Co., Ltd

Aug 2019 — May 2021

  • Created shaders for characters and visual effects in Unity

  • Developed C# scripts to facilitate 3D artists in Unity

  • Built 3D demos to assess and demonstrate visual styles.



Visiting Professor, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY

Teaching: 101: Introduction to 3D Animation and Visual Effects

                  201: Intermediate 3D Animation and Visual Effects

                  401/501: Animation Workshop I/II

                  530: Special Topics in Computer Art: 2D Animation

  • Introduce concepts, technics, and aesthetics in 3D Modeling, Shading, Lighting, Rendering, and Animation with Maya, Mudbox, and Photoshop

  • Conducted group critiques on 2D and 3D student work

  • Instructed students to develop collaborative animation projects from scratch

  • taught technics, concepts, and aesthetics in 2D motion graphics and animation




Instructor, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY

Teaching: 101: Introduction to 3D Animation and Visual Effects

  • Regularly taught a 3-credit course about 3D modeling, lighting, and texturing independently, with MAYA, MUDBOX, PHOTOSHOP



TA, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY

Assisting: 101: Introduction to 3D Animation and Visual Effects

                  201:Intermediate 3D Animation and Visual Effects

                  410/510: Visual Effects Workshop I/II

  • Assistant in grading, advising on student work, and answering students’ questions.




3D modeling, lighting, texturing, rigging, and animation with Maya and Mudbox

Visual effects with Nuke, Maya, and RealFlow

Gaming with Unity3D, Unreal, and Flash

Programming with C#, HLSL, Wolfram (Mathematica), C++, etc

Graphic Design with Photoshop, AI, Flash

Video/Audio Editing with Vegas, AE, Audition





A Speculative Space, 3D VR game project

Group Exhibition, None the Wiser, Rogue Space Chelsea, New York City, NY


Poem of Misusing, Static images, photographs with PS manipulations

Group Exhibition, Adjunct Appendix, Light Work, Syracuse, NY



Character in Frame, 2D animation

Group Exhibition, Blue Bruises, LowBe Gallery, Berlin, Germany

Two-Person Exhibition, Spark Contemporary Art Space, Syracuse, NY

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